Posts in Bedroom decor
Project Highlight: Moody Master Bedroom

I love to highlight some of our favorite projects! We often get so many questions about how we came up with a design, how we selected a color scheme, or what products were used. I’m sharing some details about this particular client project where we created a sexy, moody master bedroom. If you’re afraid of the dark, you won’t be after this…you’ll embrace it. Are you ready?

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So Fresh. So Clean: How to Freshen Up Your Space for the New Year

Ever since we hit the ground running to start a new decade, we’ve been hearing all about trends for 2020 and how beautiful this new tile is or how durable this flooring is. But most of us aren’t involved in renos so I say, just start out simple and work in phases if that’s the goal. Get it clean. Get it fresh. Keep it simple. Read on for some really easy ways to achieve this.

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Bring Sexy Back - How to Create Your Bedroom Sanctuary

It’s 6pm and you just walked through the front door of your house. Your co-workers worked your last nerve, the printer jammed 67 times today, while typing up a report that’s close to a deadline, your computer kept restarting due to “updates”, and you didn’t even get a chance to eat lunch….

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