Posts in Design budget
3 Steps to Getting Your Dream Space - Know Your Level of Investment

You can have a laundry list of nice-to-haves but do you have a bottomless pit of cash? If you do, awesome! You are the minority though. Most people don’t have limitless funds, so the need to prioritize is key. There are three questions I want you to ask yourself before you go full steam ahead with that project. Read on!

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(VIDEO) 5 Ways to Control Remodeling Costs

Stressing about a remodeling project you want to tackle? Well, stress no more…watch this video to learn how to take control of your remodeling costs instead of allowing your costs to control you. It’s absolutely possible to get the space of your dreams without going broke. Sounds amazing right? You don’t wan to miss this one. It will help save you money and your sanity.

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Where to save and where to splurge on your bathroom remodel

I get this question A LOT! “Where should I splurge and where should I save on my bathroom remodel? I’m so overwhelmed.” First of all, I got you. No need to stress. In this blog post I’m going to share the things I suggest splurging on, and the things I suggest saving on!

I want you to have the bathroom of your dreams, that looks and feels luxurious and that functions exactly as it’s supposed to. I want to make your life EASIER.

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