Posts in Steps to Get Dream Space
3 Steps to Getting Your Dream Space - Hire Professionals

Time to wrap up this series about how to get your dream space y’all! You should now know that before starting any design project, it’s crucial to first understand what your priorities are and have a pretty good grasp on how much you’re willing to invest to get what you want. The final step to this process is hiring the right professionals. Boom. Yes, I said it.

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3 Steps to Getting Your Dream Space - Know Your Level of Investment

You can have a laundry list of nice-to-haves but do you have a bottomless pit of cash? If you do, awesome! You are the minority though. Most people don’t have limitless funds, so the need to prioritize is key. There are three questions I want you to ask yourself before you go full steam ahead with that project. Read on!

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3 Steps to Getting your Dream Space - Prioritize Your Needs

So it’s a new year and you want to turn over a new leaf, organize your closet, attempt to lose weight, get in shape, stop consuming so much sugar, refresh your living space, aaaaand save the world. Whew! That’s a lot of ambition! While I can’t help you put down that extra donut, I can help steer you in the right direction when it comes to refreshing your living space.

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5 Things You Need for the Perfect Luxury Bathroom

The bathrooms we see in luxury hotels seem to feel unattainable in our own homes. While not everyone can splurge on a 5-star hotel fantasy, there are many who can. You just have to value it enough and be willing to make the investment required to get your dream bathroom. Are you one of them? You really can achieve it and we’re telling you what we believe are the five items you need in order to get to that luxury level.

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5 Steps To Starting Your Interior Design Project

So, I get this question all the do I start my own interior design project? Don’t worry, help is on the way! The following steps can be taken with me, another designer, or just you love! Either route you choose, knowing where to start and what to consider is very important.

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Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Living Room for Spring

The first thing you should do every spring is to clean out your current space. Get rid of anything that does not bring your joy, or anything that you have not used for the last year. The more you have, the more cluttered your home can feel and if your home feels cluttered it’s more likely that your brain will feel cluttered. Healthy home, healthy mind!

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