Posts in work with designer
Our Designer for a Day Service

In the ever-evolving world of interior design, homeowners and renters alike are constantly on the lookout for innovative ways to refresh their living spaces without committing to a full-scale design project. That’s why Shades of Gray Design Studio offers our "Designer for a Day" service, a bespoke solution that marries the expertise of a professional interior designer with the flexibility and personal touch desired by those looking to enhance their home’s aesthetics and functionality minus a complete home reno.

This unique service is a personalized design experience! It’s not just about making a space look beautiful; it's about unlocking its full potential in a way that reflects your personal style and meets your everyday needs without requiring full service interior design.

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Myth Buster: I have AI Now, I Don’t Need an Interior Designer

Let me go ahead and bust this myth right now! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage today. The desire for such technological advancement has grown exponentially. So much so, that to be completely honest, it’s actually a little scary. Do we really want this type of “intelligence” running every aspect of our lives...possibly even taking over just so we can have the luxury of convenience?! Listen. I love the Matrix movies and Will Smith’s I Robot, but I don’t need (or want) them to become our reality. Yikes.

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Should I Hire an Interior Designer or General Contractor for My Remodeling Project?

Home remodeling can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. With so many decisions to make, it can be difficult to know where to start. One of the most important decisions you'll make is whether to hire an interior designer or a general contractor for your project. While both professionals play important roles in the remodeling process, an interior designer can bring a unique set of skills and expertise to the table that a general contractor cannot. Let’s explore why you should consider hiring an interior designer for your home remodel.

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7 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Fall for the "Free" Design Service at Furniture Retail Stores

When it comes to designing a home, a lot of people seek free design services at retail furniture stores. While that option may seem like you’ll save more money, it actually won’t. It might look good and sound good, but please don’t be deceived…be prepared to have your eyes opened.

We’re going to discuss seven (7) reasons why you shouldn’t fall for the “free design service” trap. Ready? Here we go!

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Remodeling Your Home During Times of Inflation

Remodeling your home can be an exciting and rewarding project, but it can also be expensive, especially during times of inflation when construction labor and material costs are high; however, there are ways to manage the cost of remodeling your home in the current times we’re in and still achieve the desired results. It sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out. One of the best ways to do this is by hiring a professional interior designer. Let’s explore the benefits of hiring an interior designer for your project and provide tips on how to remodel your home during times of inflation.

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3 Steps to Getting Your Dream Space - Hire Professionals

Time to wrap up this series about how to get your dream space y’all! You should now know that before starting any design project, it’s crucial to first understand what your priorities are and have a pretty good grasp on how much you’re willing to invest to get what you want. The final step to this process is hiring the right professionals. Boom. Yes, I said it.

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Our Full Service Design Process (Step-by-Step)

Most people have never hired a professional interior designer before. So when the thought runs across their mind, it’s daunting. It’s a little scary. Maybe too scary.

What’s missing is the education piece. Interior design is an investment, so it’s important to know what you’re getting into. You need to understand the process. You need to know what to expect and be able to manage those expectations. When you get clear on these things, you’ll understand the true value that interior designers bring to the table. Read on to learn about Shades of Gray Design Studio’s process and how we work.

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(VIDEO) 5 Ways to Control Remodeling Costs

Stressing about a remodeling project you want to tackle? Well, stress no more…watch this video to learn how to take control of your remodeling costs instead of allowing your costs to control you. It’s absolutely possible to get the space of your dreams without going broke. Sounds amazing right? You don’t wan to miss this one. It will help save you money and your sanity.

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5 Steps To Starting Your Interior Design Project

So, I get this question all the do I start my own interior design project? Don’t worry, help is on the way! The following steps can be taken with me, another designer, or just you love! Either route you choose, knowing where to start and what to consider is very important.

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