Posts in Home furnishings
Myth Buster: I have AI Now, I Don’t Need an Interior Designer

Let me go ahead and bust this myth right now! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is all the rage today. The desire for such technological advancement has grown exponentially. So much so, that to be completely honest, it’s actually a little scary. Do we really want this type of “intelligence” running every aspect of our lives...possibly even taking over just so we can have the luxury of convenience?! Listen. I love the Matrix movies and Will Smith’s I Robot, but I don’t need (or want) them to become our reality. Yikes.

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5 Spring High Point Market Trends I Love

One of my favorite things about High Point Market is seeing the new trends in furniture and décor. There is always so much to see, but never enough time. It can be overwhelming if you don’t have a plan. It’s impossible to see everything!

Even though I wasn’t able to visit all of the showrooms I “favorited” on the High Point Market app, I was able to hit some really amazing ones. Plus, it’s just an excuse to add the missed ones to my strategy for Fall Market later this year (wink, wink).

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5 Reasons Why Attending High Point Market is a Must for Interior Designers

I did it again y’all…High Point Market, done and done. Although this was my second time attending (my first time was last fall), it was an absolute whirlwind! This is the largest home furnishings industry trade show in the world with over 10 million square feet of showroom space, over 2,000 exhibitors, and 180 buildings.  You know it’s epic when you have to take shuttles to some of the showrooms. It’s massive and impossible to see it all in one visit or even two or three!

There are several goals that can be achieved while attending High Point Market. It’s different for everyone. You just have to have a plan. Here are five (5) reasons why I love going to High Point.

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