Posts in add plants to home
7 Tips to Tie Your Indoor Living Space to Your Outdoor Space

Can you say, summer heat!? Why does it already feel like summer when we’re still in the early stages of Spring? Well at least here in Texas, it’s heating up outside and I am so ecstatic that we’ll be able to do more outdoor things (minus the excessive sweating that will be occurring but you get the point). You may be spending more time than ever on your patio or deck now and you’re thinking you might want to fix things up a bit….

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Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Living Room for Spring

The first thing you should do every spring is to clean out your current space. Get rid of anything that does not bring your joy, or anything that you have not used for the last year. The more you have, the more cluttered your home can feel and if your home feels cluttered it’s more likely that your brain will feel cluttered. Healthy home, healthy mind!

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5 Tips For Bringing More Nature Into Your Home

Hey y’all! Spring is right around the corner. How did that happen? Here a few tips for bringing nature into your home and reflecting those spring vibes all year long! There is so much hustle and bustle in our world today, and it’s so nice to have that feeling of calm when everything else feels chaotic…

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