Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Living Room for Spring

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  1. Clean out

The first thing you should do every spring is to clean out your current space. Get rid of anything that does not bring your joy, or anything that you have not used for the last year. The more you have, the more cluttered your home can feel and if your home feels cluttered it’s more likely that your brain will feel cluttered. Healthy home, healthy mind!

So start by gathering up these items along with any trash or anything in your home that looks or feels clunky.

This can be an overwhelming process, so I suggest making a plan before getting started. Plan which rooms you will clean out and what order you’ll do them in. Make it easier for yourself and start with the most cluttered rooms first so you can get them out of the way. 

If you’re getting rid of large items like old furniture, you may want to also create a plan for removing those items from your home. Will they go to Goodwill or to the dumpster? 

Set a time-frame as a goal, and do one room at a time! Make sure to rest frequently so that you don’t burn yourself out and lose momentum.

 This is also a great time to switch out your winter wardrobe for your spring wardrobe!

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2. Organize


Now that you’ve cleaned out your space, it’s time to organize! You should have much more room now. Utilize pretty bins, baskets, and special hangers (for a closet) and anything else you need to keep things looking clutter free. Visual clutter can be hard on your mental health. Remember what I said earlier….healthy home, healthy mind. 

Consider how you use each space and what will make your life easier. For example, does the place you have the silverware drawer make logical sense for how you use your kitchen? In the entryway, do you have a space for your keys, wallet, purse so that you don’t have to search for them the next day when you’re running late? Consider how each space can function the very best for you. 

A few ideas:

>Limit the amount of items on your kitchen counters

>Organize bookshelves by alphabetizing or by color 

>Add a hook or basket for your keys in the entryway

>Organize your pet area or mudroom so you can grab the leash and head out the door easily, or grab a treat for your pup!

>Organize your shoes and get them off of the floor

>Hang jewelry, accessories, and purses

>Color coordinate clothes in closet and books in bookshelves

>Utilize vertical space and hang anything that can be hung


3. Clean

Time to clean! To make things extra easy for yourself, gather all cleaning supplies in some sort of basket or caddy and go room to room like we did for organizing. I suggest going in the same order just to keep things organized. 

I would start by dusting and cleaning off countertops, then sweep, vacuum and mop. Finally, wipe mirrors and glass. Save any other steps for the end of your cleaning spree! If this is overwhelming for you, clean from the top down with the floors being your very last step. 

Don’t forget to clean things like your fridge, oven, washer and dryer and things you may not have thought of like doormats, makeup cabinets and junk drawers. Here are a few more ideas:

>Shower curtains


>Makeup brushes

>Ceiling fixtures (lamps and lighting)




4. Bring some nature in

You know I love this part! It’s time to bring in some of that springtime charm by adding florals and live plants. Place them anywhere you want! You can bring so many beautiful colors in and really upgrade your space for spring by simply adding some colorful florals throughout our home. If they’re fresh that’s even better, but if faux is your style, that is certainly an option too! Plants can be scattered anywhere and everywhere. On shelves, window sills, bedside tables, coffee tables, countertops, etc. For more ideas, read my full blog on How To Bring Nature Into Your Home. Click here to read.


5. Bring in some spring colors 

There’s nothing that makes me feel better than adding pops of color around an otherwise neutral space. Y’all know I love me some color!

Now, last but not least, it’s time to bring in some spring colors! Don’t worry, this shouldn’t break the bank. I suggest selecting smaller and less expensive items like throw pillows, rugs, and artwork. Just switching out your winter items for spring items can make a huge difference in the look of your home. And when the warmer months are over, you can just switch right back like you did in step 1 for your clothing. 

It does not have to be these, but here are a few great colors for spring:




>Light blue



Another great idea is to bring in some fresh fruit and add it to a bowl on your kitchen island. Not only is it delicious and healthy, but it’s also beautiful and really adds to that springtime feel you’re going for. 

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Next, switch out heavy bedding for light bedding in a spring color. Clean and change out sheets and pillowcases. My all-time favorite no matter what season…crisp, white bed linen! Open the windows to let some of that springtime air in, and pull back the curtains for some more natural lighting. 

Which of these steps are you most excited about? 

I would like to hear if this blog post was helpful for you. Please feel free to leave your comments in the comment section below. Happy spring cleaning and decorating!

Need help adding a little spring fun to your home? No worries, we got you! Contact Shades of Gray Design Studio, here.